Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Ok, so bear with me on this french keyboard.

soo much has happened since i last wrote. so much wqs happening when i last wrote.

now i am in thies. at the training center, figuring out wolof, mostly figuring out serere, it is pretty intense.

While it feels like a whole lot is going on at once things qre really going well,

Guff, not really enough time to write a decent entry...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Totally Slacking Off

Wow, ok so i really should have been posting about all the fun and excitement and trauma that has led up to today but i just somehow lost the time and right now there is no time either.

its 5am, i leave for the airport in an hour, i am totally running off of pure excitement, and no sleep.

i guess i am packed almost completely. the last few things still need good places to fit i guess, overall, it didnt really turn out to be as much stuff as i was fearing that i would bring. it is really amazing how much stuff, even just clothes, that i am leaving here.

well, i still gotta get all my bits and gibbles together... much more later!