Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Ok, for serious, I am really going to do this blog thing. Though it kinda sucks right now cause I only have ten minutes left. Ok next time It will be even better. Oh how I hqte this keyboard.

So, right, training is done. It seemed to both take forever and go by really too quickly. I am installed at my site and hqve been there now for exactly a week. Well a week except that I came to Mbour on Friday for Post office fun that i can discuss later, and I was here yesterdqy again for shopping fun and birthday pizza, and now i am obviously in the city again today. for the next week and a half at least though i will stay stay in my village.

so far everything is going really well. my village is fairly small, less than 600 people supposedly, and eventually i hope to know them all.

grrr, the time runs out too fast and i type too slowly. there is much more to tell, and pictures too.